7 Deadly Sins

Sins are the nice easy tempty things that you want to do but that make your future worst.

These have been studied hard. Pride blinds you


Lust, or lechery (Latin: luxuria (carnal)), is intense longing. It is usually thought of as intense or unbridled sexual desire, which may lead to fornication (including adultery), rape, bestiality and other sinful sexual acts. However, lust could also mean other forms of unbridled desire, such as for money or power. Henry Edward Manning says the impurity of lust transforms one into “a slave of the devil”.

→ i.e. being a horny bastard


Gluttony is the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste.

→ i.e. being a fatass


Greed is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.


Sloth (Latin: tristitia or acedia (“without care”)) refers to a peculiar jumble of notions, dating from antiquity and including mental, spiritual, pathological, and physical states. It may be defined as absence of interest or habitual disinclination to exertion.


Wrath (Latin: ira) can be defined as uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred.


Envy (Latin: invidia), like greed and lust, is characterized by an insatiable desire. It can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else. It arises from vainglory, and severs a man from his neighbor.


Pride (Latin: superbia) is considered, on almost every list, the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins. Out of the seven, it is the most angelical, or demonic.