Polynomial Time Reduction

Clique Problem

Saw this from https://avisingh599.github.io/vision/visual-odometry-full/

A clique is a subset of vertices of an undirected graph such that every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent.

A -clique in a graph is a sub-graph where the distance between any two vertices is no greater than .

From CS341:

Maximum Clique (Clique)

is a clique if, for all .

Input: and an integer Output: (the answer to the question) is there a clique in with at least vertices?

Maximum Independent Set (IS)

is an independent set if, for all .

Input: and an integer Output: (the answer to the question) is there an independent set in with at least vertices?

Minimum Vertex Cover (VC)

is a vertex cover if, for all .

Input: and an integer Output: (the answer to the question) is there a vertex cover in with at most vertices?