Google Style Guide
I really like this style guide. Very standard in industry.
HelloWorld // <--- pascal case
helloWorld // <--- camel case
Include What You Use
If a source or header file refers to a symbol defined elsewhere, the file should directly include a header file which properly intends to provide a declaration or definition of that symbol. It should not include header files for any other reason.
Do not rely on transitive inclusions. This allows people to remove no-longer-needed #include
statements from their headers without breaking clients. This also applies to related headers -
should include bar.h
if it uses a symbol from it even if foo.h
includes bar.h
Filenames should be all lowercase and can include underscores (_
) or dashes (-
- prefer ā
Examples of acceptable file names: // _unittest and _regtest are deprecated.
What about folder names?
Seems like they donāt have a convention for folder names. I think using the same convention as the file names makes sense.
Personal Preference
Since the classes themselves donāt have underscores in between, I also donāt have underscores in between for the filenames.
Type Names
(Classes, Structs)
Type names follow PascalCase. Ex: MyExcitingClass
,Ā MyExcitingEnum
// classes and structs
class UrlTable { ...
class UrlTableTester { ...
struct UrlTableProperties { ...
// typedefs
typedef hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, std::string> PropertiesMap;
// using aliases
using PropertiesMap = hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, std::string>;
// enums
enum class UrlTableError { ...
Variable Names
Variables (including function parameters) and data members areĀ snake_case
- data members of classes (but not structs) additionally have trailing underscores
Non-Class Member Variables
std::string table_name; // OK - snake_case.
std::string tableName; // Bad - mixed case.
Class Data Members
Data members of classes (but not structs) additionally have trailing underscores _
class TableInfo {
std::string table_name_; // OK - underscore at end.
static Pool<TableInfo>* pool_; // OK.
Struct Data Members
Data members of structs, both static and non-static, are named like ordinary nonmember variables. They do not have the trailing underscores that data members in classes have.
struct UrlTableProperties {
std::string name;
int num_entries;
static Pool<UrlTableProperties>* pool;
Constant Names
Variables declaredĀ constexpr
Ā orĀ const
, and whose value is fixed for the duration of the program, are named with a leading ākā followed by mixed case. Underscores can be used as separators in the rare cases where capitalization cannot be used for separation. For example:
const int kDaysInAWeek = 7;
const int kAndroid8_0_0 = 24; // Android 8.0.0
Method / Function Names
Functions are named with PascalCase.
- accessors and mutators may be named like variables.
Regular functions have mixed case;
Method names
class MyClass {
void Analyze(const std::string &text);
void Analyze(const char *text, size_t textlen);
Enum Names
Enumerators (for both scoped and unscoped enums) should be named likeĀ constants, not likeĀ macros. That is, useĀ kEnumName
enum class UrlTableError {
kOk = 0,