Graph Edge
Learned in CS341.
White Path Lemma (5/19)
When we start exploring a vertex , any that can be connected to by an unvisited path will be visited during .
- This seems very similar to one of the lemmas from DFS with the iff, but this is cuz is a new function introduced for DFS, which calls iself recursively
If is visited during , there is a path .
- use the same proof as BFS by induction. Shouldn’t this be a IFF?
All edges in connect a vertex to one of its descendants or ancestors.
It’s helpful to keep track of the start and finish times.
Then we talk about the cut vertex
Suppose we have a DFS forest. Edges of G are one of the following:
- tree edges
- back edges: from descendant to ancestor
- forward edges: from ancestor to descendant (but not tree edge)
- cross edges: all others
- These new categories of edges exist because we are now working in a directed graph. For an undirected graph, it would only be tree edges and back edges
has a cycle if and only if there is a back edge in the DFS forest.
Suppose that is ordered using the reverse of the finishing order: .
This is a topological order.