Image Resolution

Some resolutions from working with the ZED

  enum class RESOLUTION {
      HD2K, /**< 2208*1242 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15*/
      HD1080, /**< 1920*1080 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15, 30*/
      HD1200, /**< 1920*1200 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15, 30, 60*/
      HD720, /**< 1280*720 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15, 30, 60*/
      SVGA, /**< 960*600 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15, 30, 60, 120*/
      VGA, /**< 672*376 (x2) \n Available FPS: 15, 30, 60, 100*/
      AUTO, /**< Select the resolution compatible with the camera: <ul><li>ZED X/X Mini: HD1200</li><li>other cameras: HD720</li></ul> */
      ///@cond SHOWHIDDEN

What does the "p" in "720p" stand for?

It stands for Progressive Scan. In progressive scanning, each frame of the video is displayed in full, as opposed to interlaced scanning (indicated by an “i”, as in 1080i), where each frame is split into two fields. Progressive scanning offers a smoother and clearer image, especially for fast-moving content.