Large Codebase

I’ve rearely had to interact with a large codebase, but during my summer internship in Ericsson, I had to do a lot of that.

The outline function in VSCode is super helpful to preview the functions inside a particular file.


Have a clear goal when you read code and stop reading the code if you reach your goal.


  • Look at the tests first, to get an intuition. You can use TDD

When developing a new feature:

  • Build the simplest possible feature, end to end, and test that
  • For example your first URDF task. You first wanna make sure you can create a URDF object using the external libraries, and test that

Points from StackOverflow:

  • Step through code in debug mode to see how it works
  • Pair up with someone more familiar with the code base than you, taking turns to be the person coding and the person watching/discussing. Rotate partners amongst team members so knowledge gets spread around.
  • Write unit tests. Start with an assertion of how you think code will work. If it turns out as you expected, you’ve probably understood the code. If not, you’ve got a puzzle to solve and or an enquiry to make
  • Go through existing unit tests for functional code, in a similar fashion to above
  • Read UML, Doxygen generated class diagrams and other documentation to get a broad feel of the code
  • Make small edits or bug fixes, then gradually build up
  • Keep notes, and don’t jump in and start developing; it’s more valuable to spend time understanding than to generate messy or inappropriate code.

this post is a partial duplicate of the-best-way-to-familiarize-yourself-with-an-inherited-codebase_