Living in Bubbles

People from different areas of the world live in vastly different bubbles. Only by jumping between different bumbles will you be able to truly understand what it means to be human, and make a more informed opinion of what you want.

Different bubbles have different values.

A very good piece is this guy’s traveler post:

Everyone is living in their own bubble. The “traveler” bubble was very different to the “tech” bubble

  • The average person in tech is very career-oriented - looking for a good job, starting a company, they’re motivated by their work etc.
  • The average person in the traveler bubble is very “experience-life” oriented - they’re motivated by traveling to see new places, experiencing new things, understanding new cultures etc.
  • In tech, most people derive meaning from their work, in the traveler bubble, most people view work as a means to an end (which is to travel), their equivalent of career growth is “experience-life” growth: visiting more places, trying new things etc.
  • It’s always fascinating entering new bubbles because you realize how different people live their lives. Often times being in a bubble for a long time de-sensitizes you to this, and it’s easy to feel out of touch with the rest of reality