Model Checking Algorithm
- To determine if KB ⊨ α (in other words, answering the question: “can we conclude that α is true based on our knowledge base”)
- Enumerate all possible models.
- If in every model where KB is true, α is true as well, then KB entails α (KB ⊨ α).
However, model Checking is not good, since it is slow →
Sample Code
def check_all(knowledge, query, symbols, model):
# If model has an assignment for each symbol
# (The logic below might be a little confusing: we start with a list of symbols. The function is recursive, and every time it calls itself it pops one symbol from the symbols list and generates models from it. Thus, when the symbols list is empty, we know that we finished generating models with every possible truth assignment of symbols.)
if not symbols:
# If knowledge base is true in model, then query must also be true
if knowledge.evaluate(model):
return query.evaluate(model)
return True
# Choose one of the remaining unused symbols
remaining = symbols.copy()
p = remaining.pop()
# Create a model where the symbol is true
model_true = model.copy()
model_true[p] = True
# Create a model where the symbol is false
model_false = model.copy()
model_false[p] = False
# Ensure entailment holds in both models
return(check_all(knowledge, query, remaining, model_true) and check_all(knowledge, query, remaining, model_false))