
Named Pipe

In a Unix-like environment, a named pipe (also known as a FIFO for “First In, First Out”) can be created using the mkfifo command. This command creates a named pipe in the filesystem, which then can be accessed by multiple processes for reading and writing. Below is an example that demonstrates how to use a named pipe.

  1. Creating the Named Pipe
mkfifo my_pipe
  • This command creates a named pipe called my_pipe in the current directory.
  1. Writing to the Named Pipe In one terminal, you can write data to the named pipe like this:
echo "Hello, this is a message" > my_pipe
  • Note that this command will block (wait) until something reads from the pipe.
  1. Reading from the Named Pipe In another terminal, you can read data from the named pipe like this:
cat < my_pipe
  • This will output the message “Hello, this is a message” and unblock the first terminal.

Since the named pipe exists in the filesystem, it’s not limited to parent-child processes or even to a single session; any process can read from or write to it. Named pipes are particularly useful when you want to establish communication between processes that are not directly related.
