
I’ve wanted to start a newsletter, but I would maybe start it for the wrong reason?

I saw shu omi start a newsletter with revue, because that newsletter site is getting shut down.

Lots of people are starting newsletters about issues I don’t care about?

  • These people in the Startup world, I am just not interested I guess, because they’re just building the next app? Well, that is my prejudice towards it.

My reasons for the newsletter:

Don’t do like what Matt does, it just feels so mechanical and boring. People hate lists (My favorite things this months: etc.) like I don’t give a single flying F about your top tools this month.

Rather, do what Tobias does by taking only the most interesting concept that he ran into this month, and sharing more about it. Now that is cool and respectable.

I didn’t subscribe to a newsletter so you send me a 100 different links to tools.

So when I write this newsletter, I need to make sure it reflects that.

I want to make things that I would personally read. Also with newsletters, there are just too many of them. People flexing their intellectual prowess? But that is a mindset problem.

I think with newsletters, I want to put together some sort of cohesive story, similar to what Tobias GM is doing.