
Non-Relational Database (NoSQL)

First learned about this through Firebase.


4 types of non-relational databases:

  1. Key-value
  2. Column store databases
  3. Graph Database
  4. Document Store

Advantages of non-relational

  1. Flexibility
  2. Scalability
  3. Cost Effectiveness

Added flexibility. Easier to scale horizontally without adding more resources.

  • Because you are essentially adding more standalone entries

In relational, you have these complex relationships between all these table.

Non-relational databases are designed with distributed architecture in mind.

What problems are good for noSQL?

I feel like most problems are better for relational databases, because there are generally users, and they’re related to some thing (tweet, posts, etc.)

Although when I worked on Matilda, I used a noSQL with firebase.

If you’re creating a project where the data is predictable, in terms of structure, size, and frequency of access, relational databases are still the best choice.

Modern NoSQL databases have been designed for the cloud, making them naturally good for horizontal scaling where a lot of smaller servers can be spun up to handle increased load.

  • Non-relational databases offer higher performance and availability.
