Periodic Table

I had to memorize the periodic table before, but you should know at least the first 20 elements by heart.

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Lithium
  4. Beryllium
  5. Bore
  6. Carbon
  7. Nitrogen
  8. Oxygen
  9. Fluorine
  10. Neon
  11. Sodium
  12. Magnesium
  13. Aluminum
  14. Silicon
  15. Phosphorus
  16. Sulfur
  17. Chlorine
  18. Argon
  19. Potassium
  20. Calcium
  21. Scandium
  22. Titanium
  23. Vanadium
  24. Vanadium
  25. Manganese
  26. Iron (Fe)
  27. Cobalt
  28. Nickel
  29. Copper
  30. Zinc
  31. Gallium
  32. Germanium
  33. Arsenic
  34. Selenium
  35. Bromine
  36. Krypton