Pet Peeves

My Pet Peeves:

  • Slow Talkers
    • I would not be able to listen to Lex Friedman give a lecture for more than 10 minutes
    • This Krish guy on youtube who gave a documentary about his ETHGlobal SF Experience, talked SOOO SLOWLY
  • People who waste their times, people who waste MY time
  • People who ask you for a referral at your job, then proceeds to ask you where you work at when you meet them in person a week later…
    • cough cough o. g.
    • these people are just the social people who pretend they care about you but actually don’t, they only care about you when it benefits them
    • I mean everyone is kind of like that, but at least try to hide it you know??
  • People who make things sound so much more complicated than they actually are. Like you introduce one simple thing and they blow it up to a huge ass paragraph, that is SO annoying
    • Like people at Access Storage who talk so slowly, i get that they want to show that you care, but I’d prefer if you get to the point. I guess the people in the West would get offended if they dealt with people as blunt as me

turn offs

  • nail polish