I am like.. so not flexible. My hip internal rotation is really bad. I NEED TO STAY FOCUSED AND STRETCH. THEY ACTUALLY FEEL GOODA.
What I really need is INTENSITY. You see, your muscles are like an elastic band. Every time you stretch, you are stretching the elastic band. However, the elastic band goes back to its position. Only when you stretch hard enough will it create permanent elongation of the elastic band. That is Flexibility.
Went to see the Physio and these are the stretches:
Kneeling (2min / day)
- Goal: Back feet should touch butt
Supine Hamstring Stretch with straight legs (20s x 5 sets, 2x a day)
- Goal: 90 Degree with respect to upper body
- This version has less strain on the back
- Keep opposite leg straight
Pretzel Glute Stretch (10s x 5 sets, 2x a day)
- Goal: ?
IDK how to name this exercise
- Lie on your chest, and then try to open up your legs. Get a gf or something to help you do this
Single Knee to chest stretch (10s x 5 sets, 2x a day)
Goal: Knee should touch chest
Have your arms under the knee gives you more leverage for the pull, gives a better stretch
Single Knee to chest stretch (10s x 5 sets, 2x a day)
- Goal: Knee should touch chest
- Have your arms under the knee gives you more leverage for the pull, gives a better stretch
- Knee should almost touch chest
Double knee to chest stretch (10s x 5 sets, 2x a day)
Hip Internal Rotation: Alternate Knee Roll (x10)
- Goal: Opposite knee should touch the ground
- Back on the floor when the physio showed me
Butterfly Stretch (20 sec x 3 sets)
- IMPORTANT, This is hard to feel , so you can try
Hamstring stretch with foot on stool (30s x 1 set, 2x a day) (OPTIONAL)
- Goal: 90 Degree with respect to upper body
Toe Stretch Lean against wall, toes should be 90 degrees against feet