
A proof is a method of communicating a mathematical truth. It is a series of convincing arguments that leaves no doubt that a given proposition is true.

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Some Definitions

Proposition: Mathematical claim posed in the form of a statement that either needs to be proven or demonstrated false by a valid argument. Theorem: A particularly significant true proposition. Lemma: Subsidiary proposition that is used in the proof of a theorem Corollary: Proposition that follows from a theorem

3.1. Proving Universally Quantified Statements


To prove the universally quantified statement ”“:

Choose a representative mathematical object . This cannot be a specific object. It has to be a placeholder, that is, a variable, so that our argument would work for any specific member of the domain .

Then, show that the open sentence must be true for our representative , using known facts about the elements of .


To disprove the universally quantified statement “”:

Show that is true. In other words, find an element for which the open sentence is false. This process is called finding a counter-example.

3.2 Proving Existentially Quantified Statements


To prove the existentially quantified statement “”:

Provide an explicit value of x from the domain , and show that is true for this value of . In other words, find an element of that satisfies property .


To disprove the existentially quantified statement “”:

Show that the universally quantified statement is true.

3.3 Proving Implications

  1. To prove the implication “”, assume that the hypothesis is true, and use this assumption to show that the conclusion is true. The hypothesis is what you start with. The conclusion is where you must end up.

  2. To prove the universally quantified implication “”: Let be an arbitrary element of , assume that the hypothesis is true, and use this assumption to show that the conclusion is true.

3.5 Proof by Contrapositive

  1. If we want to prove that , we can prove that
  2. To prove , prove

3.6 Proof by Contradiction

Let A be a statement. Note that either or must be false, so the compound statement is always false. The statement “ is true” is called a contradiction.

Ex: Prove that is irrational.

Prove if and only if

For proving an if and only if statement:

  1. To prove the statement , it is equivalent to prove both the implication and its converse

  2. To prove the universally quantified statement , it is equivalent to do either a or b below

    Let be an arbitrary element of . and prove both the implication ”” and its converse ” Prove both the universally quantified implication ”” and ”

Prove Subset

see Set Theory

Other proof Methods: