
Slumbot is one of the top no-limit poker bots in the world. The 2016 version of Slumbot placed second in the Annual Computer Poker Competition, the premier event for poker software.

Working on Slumbot taught me about the terms.

“BB/100” = big blinds per 100 hands measures how many big blinds you win per 100 hands played

Sample output API

{'old_action': 'b200c/kk/kk/', 'action': 'b200c/kk/kk/kk', 'client_pos': 0, 'hole_cards': ['Ac', '5d'], 'board': ['Qs', '4s', '3h', 'Th', '8c'], 'bot_hole_cards': ['Ad', '6h'], 'winnings': -200, 'won_pot': -400, 'session_num_hands': 3, 'baseline_winnings': 0, 'session_total': -550, 'session_baseline_total': -200}
  • won_pot results of the current pot, how much you gain, doesn’t take into account how much you put in
  • winnings this is the profit from the current pot
  • baseline_winnings winnings relative to the baseline??
  • session_num_hands number of hands you’ve played in this current session
  • session_total this is when you sum all of the winnings for each hand played, how much you actually gain
  • session_baseline_total same as session_total except you sum baseline_winnings