Last Mile

We can’t upgrade everything for everyone overnight. It costs too much money.

The last mile is the final leg of delivering connectivity from a communications provider to a customer

  • it is typically seen as an expensive challenge because “fanning out” wires and cables to each customer premises is a considerable physical undertaking

Supply Chain

Ahh Yes I saw this at Ericsson, but we also use this terminology in Ericsson, but we also use this terminology in Autonomous Vehicles or Ericsson, but we also use this terminology in Autonomous Vehicles or Autonomous Vehicles or Supply Chain.

Similarly, in supply chain management last-mile describes the difficult last part in the transportation of people and packages from hubs to final destinations. Last-mile delivery is an increasingly studied field as the number of business-to-consumer (b2c) deliveries grow especially from e-commerce companies in freight transportation, and ride-sharing companies in personal transportation. Some challenges of last-mile delivery include minimizing cost, ensuring transparency, increasing efficiency, and improving infrastructure.