
To show CPU load.

htop -d 1
  • To get it to update as fast as possible

Htop columns



  • PID: The process ID.
  • USER: The username of the process owner or the user ID if the name can’t be determined.
  • PRI (priority): The kernels internal priority for the process, usually just its NI value plus twenty. Different for real-time processes.
  • NI (nice (Unix) priority): The nice value of a process, from 19 (low priority) to -20 (high priority). A high value means the process is being nice, letting others have a higher relative priority. Only root can lower the value.
  • VIRT: Size in memory of the total program size.
  • RES: The resident set size, i.e. the size of the text and data sections, plus stack usage.
  • SHR: The size of the process’s shared pages.
  • S: The state of the process. 
    • S: for sleeping (idle) 
    • R: for running 
    • D: for disk sleep (uninterruptible) 
    • Z: for zombie (waiting for parent to read its exit status) 
    • T: for traced or suspended (e.g by SIGTSTP)
    • W: for paging
  • CPU%: The percentage of the CPU time that the process is currently using. 
  • MEM%: The percentage of memory the process is currently using (based on the process’s resident memory size, see M_RESIDENT below). 
  • TIME+: The time, measured in clock ticks that the process has spent in user and system time (see UTIME, STIME above). 
  • Command: Full path of the command.


jtop is a command specifically for the Jetson. Learned during my internship.

Show both CPU and GPU usage.

jtop -r 1
  • refreshes as fast as possible

To install, you can run

sudo -H pip3 install jetson-stats