Binomial Coefficient

Implementation stolen from:

int C(int n, int k) {
    double res = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i)
        res = res * (n - k + i) / i;
    return (int)(res + 0.01)

A simple recursive implementation

ll choose(n, k) {
    if k == 0 return 1
    return (n * choose(n - 1, k - 1)) / k

Another Note:

Recently, I tried to use this formula for this Codeforces problem, but I ran into integer overflow problems, even after using long long.

They do something like this in the solution (Problem F) This is the tourist solution

Yes, actually, CP algorithms teaches how to tackle this.

Factorial module MOD

The modular inverse here

int inv(int a) {
  return a <= 1 ? a : MOD - (long long)(MOD/a) * inv(MOD % a) % MOD;
factorial[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= MAXN; i++) {
    factorial[i] = factorial[i - 1] * i % MOD;
ll C(ll n, ll k) {
    return factorial[n] * inv(factorial[k] * factorial[n - k] % MOD) % MOD;