Magnetic Field

Biot-Savart Law

If the current is given, we use this form

We can then integrate to find .

  • is a unit vector that always points from A (the charge) to P (where we are measuring the magnetic field)

Approach, pretty straightforward. The calculations are similar for Electric Field Calculations

  1. Find the current
  2. Find , see Cross Product
  3. Find

Biot-Savart for moving charges

If velocity is given, we replace we use this form

More details

To master this, you really just need to do lots of exercises.

Notice the placement of in these problems. You tend to place the angle next to and then think of ways, but make your life easier by placing theta like in the picture. Then say, for the z axis, it’s using a , so you can just do the opposite, therefore

Solving Solenoid Problem