Competitive Programming


Awesome list for CP: Lesson: Stop overestimating yourself.

How is the elo of a problem calculated?

Problem rating of x is supposed to mean that about 50% of coders rated x can solve that problem, about 75% coders rated x+200 can solve, or about 90% rated x+400 can solve the problem. >

So if I want to reach 2000, I should be able to solve 2000 problems ~50% of the time.

Goal: Keep upsolving C and D. It’s going to be very difficult, but you really need to continue practicing and upsolving these problems. There is no point in just doing A and B problems, unless you really are using them to practice speed.

I need to do those contest simulations, but rather than doing the virtual simulation, just time yourself. Alternatively, binary search but that’s too easy. Problems I need to do:

Problems I have thought about but don’t know:

Hard Problems I read editorial but still don’t know:

To try again later:

Solved but it’s iffy…, like I don’t understand:

Such an amazing platform. Some Blogs

Highest Tags Per Problem Focus on DP if you want to solve D and E!!

  • A — implementation: 426, math: 176, brute force: 145
  • B — implementation: 321, greedy: 180, math: 171
  • C — greedy: 141, implementation: 137, math: 107
  • D — dp: 130, greedy: 103, math: 99
  • E — dp: 147, data structures: 122, math: 80
  • F — dp: 85, data structures: 55, graphs: 38
  • G — data structures: 28, dp: 20, math: 18
  • H — data structures: 4, trees: 4, constructive algorithms: 3