Number of Segments that Contain Each Other
I really did not know how to go about solving this problem.
Ran into this while doing a practice problem:
You can brute force it in , but I had no idea on how to do it faster.
- I had some ideas of storing the start and end points, and somehow iterating through that
We can iterate over the segments in increasing order of the 𝑏 position and for each of them adding the number of segments that we have already passed that have an value larger than the one of the current segment.
- Yea, like I actually had many of the ideas, but couldn’t find a solution
Go through b in ascending order, and keep track of how many ‘a’s are in the set, which are greater than the current a!!
- That was actually very much my initial idea
So something like this, but the problem is that std::distance
can do O(n) worst case
- You want to do something like
it - s.begin()
, however that doesn’t work with a set