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Color Theory

I find this field really fascinating, understanding it more will allow me to appreciate anything arts related.

Color is created because if light. Light is source of all color.

The colors that we see when light strikes an object are the result of certain wavelengths (individual colors) being absorbed by the object while other wavelengths are being reflected back to us. Those reflected back to us are the colors that we see.


Color Wheel

Psychology of Color

Types of Colors

Primary Colors

The primary colors are Red, Green, and Blue. They are primary because they cannot be made from mixing other colors.

Secondary Colors

Orange, Green, and Purple are secondary color.

Secondary colors are created by mixing any two primary colors; they are found in between the primary colors on the color wheel.

Tertiary Colors

If you mix a primary color with its adjacent secondary color, you get a tertiary color. These colors fill in the gaps and finish the color wheel. Tertiary colors are red-orange, red-violet, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, and blue-violet.”

Color Scheme

Color Properties

Hue, saturation (or intensity), and value are the three characteristics that help us describe and categorize a color. For instance, if we say an object is red, we can more specifically describe the color by answering the following questions: Is it an orangey red or a crimson red? Is it brilliant or muted? Is it light or dark? With this understanding, you can identify and describe any color.


Color is a universal gift of beauty. Because it requires no effort to perceive and enjoy it, we often take it for granted. However, its absence in our lives is unthinkable. Consider a world wherein brilliant sunsets, vivid flower gardens, shimmering butterflies, and tropical fish shed their multicolored hues and morphed into monochromatic shades of gray. The experiences that we love and live for would change drastically! Would we still plant flower beds? Bird-watch? Sightsee? The implications are immense; such is our love affair with color.
