Going to learn this in CS343. Actually introduced in SE350.
A coroutine is a routine that can also be suspended at some point and resumed from that point when control returns.
The state of a coroutine consists of:
- an execution location, starting at the beginning of the coroutine and remembered at each suspend.
- an execution state holding the data created by the code the coroutine is executing. ⇒ each coroutine has its own stack, containing its local variables and those of any routines it calls.
- an execution status—active or inactive or terminated—which changes as control resumes and suspends in a coroutine.
Difference between Routine and Coroutine?
A coroutine can suspend its execution and return to the caller without terminating, a coroutine cannot.
- A coroutine is activated at the point of last suspension.
- A routine always starts execution at the beginning and its local variables only persist for a single activation.
Coroutines are designed to be able to pass execution control back and forth between themselves.
A semi-coroutine acts asymmetrically, like non-recursive routines, by implicitly reactivating the coroutine that previously activated it.
Full Coroutine
Full Coroutine
A full coroutine acts symmetrically, like recursive routines, by explicitly activating a member of another coroutine, which directly or indirectly reactivates the original coroutine (activation cycle).
Fibonacci Sequence
So the teacher’s motivation for this is first, let’s consider using global variables. But then that isn’t extendible super well to multiple instances.
- You want to encapsulate global variables into structure variables, and then pass these into each coroutine
Ahh i understand, so the state is stored.
resume()transfers to the last
Example for fibonacci
The main program:
Eliminate computation or flag variables retaining information about execution state.
This is because the variables might change (?) No, because its bad
- In coroutine-based programming, you want to avoid such explicit logic and let the coroutine’s suspension and resumption naturally guide the flow of execution.
The purpose of coroutines is to simplify the flow, making it more linear and removing state-related logic.
- It’s a way to think about the problem
When possible, simplest coroutine construction is to write a direct (stand-alone) prog
Convert to coroutine by:
- putting processing code into coroutine main,
- converting reads if program is consuming or writes if program is producing to suspend,
- Fibonacci consumes nothing and produces (generates) Fibonacci numbers ⇒ convert writes (cout) to suspends.
- Formatter consumes characters and only indirectly produces output (as side-effect) ⇒ convert reads (cin) to suspends.
- use interface members and communication variables to to transfer data in/out of coroutine
This approach is impossible for advanced coroutine problems.
The tree traversal stuff