Data Stream

Learned in CS451.

  • Apache Kafka – A distributed pub-sub broker designed for resilience and availability
  • Apache Flume – A distributed log aggregator (designed for resilience and availability)
  • Stream-Processing-Engine – The top of this module
  • HBase – Distributed key-value datastore, modelled after Google’s BigTable and built on top of HDFS

A Data Stream

A data stream is a sequence of items (tuples)

  • Structured
  • Ordered (either a timestamp, or implicitly by arrival time)
  • Continuously arriving
  • High volume
    • Might not be possible to store all of it
    • Might not be possible to even examine all of it

The main question is: How do you process a stream of data, when you don’t have all of it?

  • The problem is that the “reduce-like” tasks – grouping, aggregating, and joining – rely on having all of the data. How can we define them “continuously?”

Easy: You can just do your reduce operations over a window.

There are 2 implementations:

  1. Sliding
  2. Tumbling

Windows: Define all “reduce-like” transformations for a given window.

There are many ways to window:

  • Based on ordering attribute (timestamp)
  • Based on counts (last X records)
  • Based on explicit markers (ex: punctation)

When there is bursty data, you apply Reservoir Sampling.
