CS451: Data-Intensive Distributed Computing


Really great teacher. Has gone downhill as the term progressed. Became boring. Though slides are pretty good.

Things to master for final:

  • LSH-hashing
  • DStream??
  • Syntax for Spark (things like reducebykey, tf does that do?)
  • Bigram frequency, boolean retrieval, page rank, how the logic is actually implemented?? cuz i forgot



  • Need to get an more efficient reducer? Like doing (A,B): C instead of A: (B,C)?
    • But aggregating the counts seems like a pain. It’s like doing pairs instead of stripes

Running the reference checks

hadoop jar target/assignments-1.0.jar ca.uwaterloo.cs451.a3.BuildInvertedIndex \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output cs451-s36gong-a3-index-shakespeare


hadoop jar target/assignments-1.0.jar ca.uwaterloo.cs451.a3.BooleanRetrieval \
   -index cs451-s36gong-a3-index-shakespeare -collection data/Shakespeare.txt \
   -query "outrageous fortune AND"
hadoop jar target/assignments-1.0.jar ca.uwaterloo.cs451.a3.BooleanRetrieval \
   -index cs451-s36gong-a3-index-shakespeare -collection data/Shakespeare.txt \
   -query "white red OR rose AND pluck AND"

First output

Query: outrageous fortune AND
1073319     The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Second output

Query: white red OR rose AND pluck AND
1713274     From off this brier pluck a white rose with me.
1713428     Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me.
1713566     I pluck this white rose with Plantagenet.
1713612   SUFFOLK. I pluck this red rose with young Somerset,
1714623     In sign whereof I pluck a white rose too.

Chapter 2 and 3

Those notes are in MapReduce, RDD and Spark.

Chapter 4: Dealing with Text

The goal is to generate text. We can use a probabilistic model.

P(“I saw a van”) = P(“I”) x P(“saw” | “I”) x P(“a” | “I saw”) x P(“van” | “I saw a”)

But how feasible is this?

  • Not really. We use a smaller limit: the n-gram
  • Limit of words

Basic Idea: Probability of next word only depends on the previous (N – 1) words

  • N = 1 : Unigram Model- P(w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,…) = P(w1 ) P(w2 ) … P(wk )
  • N = 2 : Bigram Model -

State of the art rarely goes above 5-gram.

We apply laplace smoothing for the bigram probabilities.

A posting consists of a record that associates a specific word (or term) with a set of documents in which that word appears.


  • Inverted Index. Maps context to documents.
  • Forward Index. Maps documents to context. (Seems strange to me, so a book’s index is “inverted”?)
  • so the word is simply a mapped to in which document it is in

Postings size use Zipf’s Law:

  • is the number of elements
  • is the rank, anywhere between and
  • is the characteristic exponent

Zipf’s Law: (also) linear in log-log space

Instead of using that structure, use a linked list!!

Boolean Retrieval

Hits: Set of documents for which the query is true

Ranked retrieval is introduced.

  • The relevance of a document is the sum of the wi value

Chapter 5: Graphs

How do we do mapreduce on graphs?


Data Mining: Part 1

A/B testing for ML: Step 1: Offline training and evaluation (holdout, cross-validate, etc) Step 2: A/B testing vs other methods

Data Mining: Part 2


  • S – Set of Objects
  • D(a,b) – Distance from object a to b
  • t – maximum distance threshold

Goal: Find all unordered pairs (a,b) s.t. D(a,b) ≤ t

  • Find the top 42 matching images, and then fill it in

Capturing similarity is difficult

  • Images
  • Protein
  • Text

Given high-dimensional datapoints and some distance function : Find all pairs of datapoints s.t.

The naïve approach: just compute for all – not very big data Magic: – normal to want, and possible to achieve.

  • Use LSH

Why do we care? The core technique applies to ML!

(Scalar) LSH to find Near Neighbours

  1. Make a Hash Table
  2. Use buckets that are wide (and overlapped, so items go in multiple buckets)
  3. Most values s.t. < c will have at least 1 bucket in common
  4. Most values > c will NOT share a common bucket

• Sets as vectors: Measure similarity by the cosine distance • Sets as sets: Measure similarity by the Jaccard distance • Sets as points: Measure similarity by Euclidean distance

Part 2 of data mining

Measuring distance between text documents: Remember, one goal is detecting duplicate news stories

  • Diff: Too sensitive to rearrangement
  • Word Count / Bag of Words: not sensitive enough to rearrangement
  • Edit Distance: too difficult to compute
  • doc2vec cosine distance: (too advanced)
  • N-Grams: Just right

Jaccard How do n-grams give us a distance measure? Jaccard distance! This is used for sets.

Do we have sets? Yes: A document embedding is the set of n-grams it contains.

Here’s how we compute the similarity metric:

These are the distances

What n to use?

What n should I use?

There’s a few factors:

  • Depends on if you’re doing byte-level or word-level n-grams
  • Depends on what size of documents

For byte-level:

  • 4-5 for short documents (tweets, sms, emails)
  • 8-10 for long documents (webpages, books, papers)

For word-level:

  • 2-3 for short documents
  • 3-5 for long documents


Chapter 7: Relational Data

Database Workloads OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)

  • Most Applications:
    • E-Commerce, Banking, Reddit, etc.
  • User Facing: Must be fast, low latency, concurrent (many users)
  • Tasks: small set of common queries
  • Access: Random reads, small writes

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

  • BI and Data Mining
  • Back-End: Batch workloads, low concurrency
  • Tasks: Complex Analytics (Ad Hoc)
  • Access: Full Table Scans, Big Data

Two patterns, one database

To satisfy both needs, we use a data warehouse

So how do we do all these operations in mapreduce?

  • UNION Hadoop MapReduce has a MultipleInputFile class


  • MultipleInputFiles again – Each mapper has:
    • Key: An Entire Tuple, plus “Which Mapper Sent Me”
    • Value: Not used
    • Sort “RHS” tuples before equal “LHS” tuples
  • Reducer
    • Remember last RHS tuple
    • Emit LHS tuples only if they do not equal the last RHS


  • NO, GOD NO

Inner joins

Chapter 10: Mutable State


Chapter 9

Bloom Filter