
Never done it in my life. Will never do hard drugs in my life (ok maybe try once?).

Problems Psychosis

I am learning about drugs in PSYCH101.

Psychoactive Drugs

Psychoactive Substances are drugs that have effects on the nervous system and influence thought, mood, or perception. There are a number of ways to categorize psychoactive drugs, but one of the more common means is to divide them into four categories:

  1. Hallucinogens
  2. Depressants
  3. Opiates (sometimes classified as Depressant)
  4. Stimulants

Hallucinogens (also called Psychedelics) are substances that alter a person’s perceptions, often by creating visions or hallucinations that are not real.

  • Common examples include marijuana, LSD, and Ecstasy

Depressants slow down the body’s physiology and nervous system activities

  • Alcohol is the most widely used depressant
  • Barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines

Opiates are commonly used in medical applications because of their ability to suppress pain perception and stimulate a relaxed euphoria. For the same reason, this class of drugs is also frequently used recreationally.

  • Include opium, morphine, Demerol, methadone and heroin are among the most addictive drugs there are.

Stimulants are a class of drugs that increase nervous system activity and include nicotine and caffeine.

  • Cocaine, amphetamines, and crystal methamphetamines also invoke a long-lasting manic euphoria.

Where does Cannabis (i.e. WEED) fit?

Cannabis does not fit neatly into any of these categories. It has analgesic qualities like opioids but can also have hallucinogenic effects. Cannabis actually contains two important active ingredients.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) stimulates many of the psychological effects that recreational users of the drug enjoy, such as relaxation and altered perception. Conversely, Cannabidiol (CBD) tends to promote most of the medically beneficial effects, but also tends to counteract THC.