Frequency Response

is called the frequency response, where is simply the Transfer Function.

This feels so random, where did jw come from?

simply represents a complex number, which we can write . So here, we are only interested in the imaginary part.

Theorem 1

If is a LTI then for any

Theorem 2

If is a LTI then

  • is the magnitude
  • is the phase
  • See pretty sure this is like a complex exponential form?

Theorem 3

If is a stable LTI with transfer function , then as


  • The frequency response of a system is the Fourier transform of its Impulse Response

If you feed a sinusoid into an LTI system, the output is also a sinusoid of the same frequency. The system may:

  • Change the amplitude of the sinusoid.
  • Shift the phase (delay/advance in time).


The frequency response of a system is the complex-valued function . which could be equivalently expressed as the following two real-valued functions (magnitude and phase responses):

This function plays a fundamental role in the computation of the steady-state output response of a system to a sinusoidal input. Consider a system whose poles have negative real part. Given an input signal u(t) = U sin(ωt) and following the steps on Page 6 to compute the corresponding output response y(t), we get: