IP Law

IP law is about balance. It gives creators exclusive, limited-time rights to determine how their works are produced and reproduced.

It also gives the public and other creators some flexibility (through time limits and through fair-use exclusions) to create new works that are derived from existing works.

In this manner, IP law attempts to balance the rights of all parties, so that the incentive for all parties is to create innovative works.

IP Law is about balance

IP law is about balance. It balances the rights of creators to profit from their creations against the rights of users to have access to those creations for their own use and to make derivative works - sometimes without obtaining the permission of the copyright holder, or even over their objections.

This unit now talks about things from the perspective of users.

IP law does not give creators absolute control over their creations. There are means by which you, and others, can legally use existing works in your own work and in your own creations so that neither you nor your employer is vulnerable to lawsuits for copyright infringement.

This unit introduces different ways through which users’ stuff is protected

  • derivative work
  • Fair Dealings