
Image Filter

Other types of image filters include:

  • Gaussian Filter: Smooths and reduces noise based on Gaussian function.
  • Laplacian Filter: Highlights regions of rapid intensity change, used for edge detection.
  • Median Filter: Replaces each pixel with the median of its neighborhood, effective for “salt and pepper” noise.
  • High-Pass Filter: Emphasizes edges and details.
  • Low-Pass Filter: Blurs an image, allowing low-frequency components to pass.
  • Sharpening Filter: Enhances edges and fine details.
  • Prewitt Filter: Similar to Sobel, used for edge detection.
  • Scharr Filter: Improved edge detection, similar to Sobel but with a different convolution kernel.
  • Craigs Edge Detector: Detects edges based on intensity change rate.
  • Bilateral Filter: Smoothes images while preserving edges.

From Cyrill for Edge Detection, the 2 main ones: