Maximization Bias

This is an idea that even though each estimate of the state-action values is unbiased, the estimate of ’s value of can be biased.

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“All the control algorithms that we have discussed so far involve maximization in the construction of their target policies. For example, in Q-learning the target policy is the greedy policy given the current action values, which is defined with a max, and in Sarsa the policy is often -greedy, which also involves a maximization operation. In these algorithms, a maximum over estimated values is used implicitly as an estimate of the maximum value, which can lead to a significant positive bias.


Consider a single state where there are many actions whose true values, , are all zero but whose estimated values, , are uncertain and thus distributed some above and some below zero. The maximum of the true values is zero, but the maximum of the estimates is positive, a positive bias. We call this maximization bias“.
