Motor Turns

The number of turns indicates how much wire is wrapped inside the motor. A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means a faster motor. The turn rating is inversely proportional to the power generated by the motor. Put simply, a 4.5T motor is faster than a 21.5T motor.

Now you need to make sure you choose the right Turn rating for your application. Using an R/C car as an example; lower T values, like 4.5T, will results in a much faster car, as the torque is lower but the Kv will be higher. Higher T values, like 27T, will be a higher torque, lower Kv motor. Crawlers would usually use a high T-rating motors, while touring cars and drift cars would go with low T-rating motors. Below gives you a general idea of the amount of Turns being generated to RPM: