Conceptual Notetaking


Obsidian is amazing. Helps you create loosely structured notes that you can easily move around and connect, achieving Serendipity.

Learn the basis of Obsidian here:

This is the only video I would recommend to anyone getting started with Obsidian: How to achieve more while studying less

Shortcuts Ctrl + T to find files: Ctrl + F9 For random note


I’ve started using tags more.

Conceptual Notes


  • Things (current)
  • Minimal
  • Ying and Yang
  • Primary (doesn’t work for Obsidian 1.0)
  • Red Graphite (To Try)

Extensions I currently use:

Why Obsidian?

Some Personal Philosophies

For the naming of the files, they are many concepts that have acronyms. Originally, I was always writing the full name length. However, I have realized that it is too long sometime. Use whatever is more common. Ex: Media Access Control.

You should cite your sources when you are learning externally, for example from a video / article. So when you revisit that topic later and ask yourself, where did I learn this, you have a direct source.

Writing for Yourself vs. Writing for Others

I used obsidian to write for myself. And I would think it would become terrible if I make this site super polished for others to read, because that is not the intention of Obsidian. It’s my personal space to self reflect.

  • But you also want to share these reflections with the rest of the world


~2 months in (2021-11-08)

~ 1.3 year in (2022-12-21) ~2.1 years in (2023-10-25)

~3.5 years in