One-to-One and Onto Function

One-to-one function (also called injective): In a one-to-one function, given any there is only one that can be paired with the given . one-to-one.png

Onto function (also called surjective): An onto function is such that for every element in the codomain there exists an element in domain which maps to it. onto.png

A bijective function is both one-to-one and onto.

Formal Definition from SE212

Defined from the perspective of a Binary Relation.

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Surjective Function (Onto)

  • A function f from set to set is surjective if every element of is matched with some element of the domain of . A function from set to set is surjective if and only if:
  • is surjective if every element of appears AT LEAST ONCE as the second component of an ordered pair in
  • For a function to be surjective, the domain must have at least as many elements as the range.

Injective (One-to-one) Functions

  • A function is injective if its inverse is a function. This means that each element of the domain maps to a unique element of the range. A function from set to set is injective if and only if: An injective function is one such that an element of B appears AT MOST ONCE as the second component of an ordered pair in

Bijective Function

A bijective function is one that is both surjective (onto) and injective (one-to-one).


Learning this a THIRD time.

Definition 1.10. Let be a function from a set to a set . • The function f is surjective if for every there exists an such that . • The function f is injective if for every , if , then • The notation indicates that there is a bijection between the sets A and B