Prime Number
A natural number is called prime (or a prime number) if its only positive divisors are 1 and itself. Otherwise, is called composite.
Converting this page mostly for Competitive Programming.
- Generate Prime Numbers → use Sieve of Erastosthenes
- Primality Test
- Prime Factorization
- A lot of ways to do this, I’m not sure which one to choose
- Apparently you can use Floyd’s Cycle-Finding Algorithm to solve!! That is insane
Propositions and Theorems (From MATH135)
Prime Factorization (PF) Every natural number can be written as a product of prime.
Euclid’s Theorem (ET) The number of primes is infinite.
Euclid’s Lemma (EL) For all integers and , and prime numbers , if , then or .
Proposition 14 Let be a prime number, be a natural number, and be integers. If , then for some
Unique Factorization Theorem (UFT) Every natural number can be written as a product of prime factors uniquely, apart from the order of factors.
Finding a Prime Factor (FPF) Every natural number is either prime or has a prime factor less than or equal to .
Divisors From Prime Factorization (DFPF)
Let and be positive integers, and let
be a way to express as a product of the distinct primes where some or all of the exponents may be zero. The integer
GCD From Prime Factorization (GCD PF)
Let and be positive integers, and let
, and
be ways to express and as products of the distinct primes , where some or all of the exponents may be zero. We have