Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
is the largest integer that is both a divisor of and a divisor of . GCD Definition: Let and be integers.
- If and are not both zero, an integer is the greatest common divisor of and , written , when
- is a common divisor of and ,and
- for all integers , if is a common divisor of and , then .
- If and are both zero, we define .
Coprime Definition: Two integers and are coprime if
See EEA for computing the GCD.
Propositions and Theorems
Proposition 1 For all real numbers , we have
Bounds By Divisibility (BBD) For all integers and , if and then .
Division Algorithm (DA) For all integers and positive integers , there exist unique integers and such that
GCD With Remainders (GCD WR) For all integers , , and , if , then .
This is used with the Extended Euclidean Algorithm (EEA).
GCD Characterization Theorem (GCD CT) For all integers and , and non-negative integers , if
- is a common divisor of and , and
- there exist integers and such that ,
then .
Bézout/Bezout’s Lemma (BL) (IMPORTANT) For all integers and , there exist integers and such that , where . → Linear Diophantine Equation
Common Divisor Divides GCD (CDD GCD) For all integers , and , if and , then .
Coprimeness Characterization Theorem (CCT) For all integers and , if and only if there exist integers and such that .
Division by the GCD (DB GCD) For all integers and , not both zero, , where
Coprimeness and Divisibility (CAD) For all integers , and , if and , then .
CP Problems (1700 rated)