Resistor / Resistance

Resistance is a property that opposes the flow of electric current, denoted by the symbol .

Physical resistor characterized by 2 values:

  • Resistance
  • Power rating

A resistor ALWAYS absorbs power.

Resistor Colour Codes

Resistors have 4 or 5 colour bands printed on them to help you identify the value of the resistor. In a 4 band resistor the 1st and 2nd bands make up a two digit value (e.g. 63), the 3rd band is the multiplying factor, and the 4th band is the tolerance. If you have a 5 band resistor there is an extra band for the digits before the multiplying factor (e.g. 635).

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Physical Resistance


  • is the Resistivity
  • is the cross-sectional area
  • is the length of the wire