Single-Chip Camera
A single chip is used to obtain the RGB values
- Uses small, pixel-dependent color filter
Compared to a three-chip design
- Cheaper
- 1 vs. 3 chips: few measurements
- Interpolation leads to lower quality
We only have a 3rd of the measurements, so we need to do interpolation.
- This is actually quite fascinating, I didn’t know that 2/3 colors are actually interpolated
We use a Color Filter Array to capture the color intensities.
There are different pattern to do this:
- The Bayer Pattern is the most commonly used
- 50% green
- 25% red and blue
Why is there so much more green?
Human visual system is very sensitive to high-frequency details in luminance
Luminance (perceived relative brightness) is strongly influenced by green values
There are other patterns, with their own interpolation schemes.
How is the interpolation done? Through Demosaicing.