Social Group

A social group is 2+ people who identify and interact with one another.


  • Category: common status
  • Crowd: non-interacting group

Charles Horton Cooley – 2 types of groups:

  1. Primary group
  2. Secondary group

Primary Group Small group, members share personal & enduring relationships:

  • First groups we experience in life
  • Shape attitudes, behaviour, and identity
  • An end, not a means

Secondary Group

  • Large, impersonal

  • pursue a goal or activity

  • often short term

  • In groups: social group commanding members’ esteem & loyalty

  • Outgroups: social group toward which one feels some opposition

Dyad (2 member group): Very intimate, but unstable Triad (3 member group): More stable, more types of interaction possible

What happens as groups grow in size?

  • Larger groups are less intimate, but more stable
  • Leaders often emerge or are put in charge

Group Leadership Roles:

  • Instrumental - Task oriented
  • Expressive - Collective well-being oriented

Decision Making Styles:

  • Authoritarian: Leader makes decisions
  • Democratic: Member involvement
  • Laissez-faire: lets group function on its own


How we are likely to treat others often depends, at least in part, on their group membership.

  • If we perceive them as belonging to the same group as us (an ingroup member), then we tend to show them favourable treatment.
  • Conversely, if we perceive them as belonging to a different group (outgroup member) than we tend to discriminate against them.

Also see Agents of Socialization.