
Audio is probably the most important thing in your video. Max gain for voiceover should be a gain of 4.

If you want to improve the audio quality in your videos, use

Sound is a wave.


  • The amplitude of a sound wave shows its volume
  • The frequency of a sound wave represents its pitch

Real-life sounds are ā€˜compositeā€™ waves Now that you understand what one sound wave is, letā€™s move on to a more complex and more realistic situation. In reality, there are often many sounds at the same time in an audio file. For example, in music, you generally hear multiple tones at the same time. In nature recordings, you will generally also hear all sorts of animals, wind, and more at the same time.

Audio files with just one frequency at the same time are very rare. Therefore, if we want to summarize an audio file as data, we will need to describe more than one wave.

A complete sound is a mix of waves, and therefore a mix of frequencies at different amplitudes. In easier terms: sound is a mix of high and low tones at different volumes.

In order to work with such a complex wave, it has to be split into amplitudes per frequency per time.

You can generate a Spectrogram to analyze the sound.
