CARLA (Car Learning to Act) is an open-source platform for developing, training and evaluating autonomous driving agents, built on top of Unreal Engine.
North stars
- Win CARLA AD Challenge
- Build something like this end-to-end
- Generate 100,000 images
- CARLA Workshop by WATonomous
- CARLA Tutorial to get data on remote Ubuntu GPU Server
watod -t gui_tools
rosrun carla_config
CARLA Synthetic Data Generation
Writing notes about how to use CARLA with a focus on how we use this to generate synthetic data.
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Mode
- Asynchronous mode (DEFAULT) Server runs the simulation as fast as possible, without waiting for the client
- Synchronous mode Server waits for a client tick, a “ready to go” message, before updating to the following simulation step.
Variable Time-Step vs. Fixed Time-Step
- Variable time-step (DEFAULT) The simulation time that goes by between steps will be the time that the server takes to compute these
- Fixed time-step The elapsed time remains constant between steps
In Synchronous mode, always USE Fixed Time-Step.
If you want things to run as fast as possible, use Asynchronous + Fixed Time-Step
- Why not variable time-step? This is like: however long it takes to render the next frame, CARLA will take its time. But with fixed time-step, it’s like an impending deadline, i.e. you only have 0.1 seconds to render this, do whatever you can.
CARLA Recorder
Actors vs. Blueprints
Actors: elements that perform actions within the simulation, and they can affect other actors. Actors in CARLA includes
- vehicles
- walkers
- sensors,
- traffic signs and traffic lights
- the spectator
So basically, everything we spawn in an actor.
Blueprints are layouts that allow the user to smoothly incorporate new actors into the simulation. They are already-made models with animations and a series of attributes.
You can get a particular blueprint from the blueprint library.
But generally, it seems that we just directly choose an actor from the blueprint library, like the following
vehicle_bp = random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.*.*'))
Life Cycle:
- Spawning
- Handling
- Destruction
Coordinate System
CARLA uses the Unreal Engine coordinates system. Remember that carla.Rotation constructor is defined as (pitch, yaw, roll), that differs from Unreal Engine Editor (roll, pitch, yaw).
Town01: A basic town layout consisting of “T junctions”.
Town02: Similar to Town01, but smaller.
Town03: The most complex town, with a 5-lane junction, a roundabout, unevenness, a tunnel, and more.
Town04: An infinite loop with a highway and a small town.
Town05: Squared-grid town with cross junctions and a bridge. It has multiple lanes per direction. Useful to perform lane changes.
Town06: Long highways with many highway entrances and exits. It also has a Michigan left.
Town07: A rural environment with narrow roads, barns and hardly any traffic lights.
Town10: A city environment with different environments such as an avenue or promenade, and more realistic textures.
CARLA attachments: You can choose between a rigid attachment, and a spring_arm attachment.
CARLA Sensors:
So then when you spawn with attachment, location is specified relative to the parent actor.
transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7))
sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=my_vehicle)
How to generate data? Scenario runner is an option:
Scenario Runner
Traffic manager:
The Traffic Manager (TM) is the module that controls vehicles in autopilot mode in a simulation. Its goal is to populate a simulation with realistic urban traffic conditions. Users can customize some behaviors, for example, to set specific learning circumstances.
Other repo, though this uses an older version of CARLA:
- However, much better learning if you write your things from scratch
Understand how maps work:
List of sensors:
CARLA AD Challenge
“Sensor data is also available through ROS topics. The topic name is structured as follows: /carla/hero/<sensor-id>
. For a complete reference check the CARLA ROS sensor documentation"".
Carla ros bridge stuff:
- It seems that we write some custom things. so that it publishes to
. this is not out of the box behavior. - Why cannot we just use this thing? Get all other actors
This is the key function
def get_data(self, filters):
Get data specifically from Carla.
filters: list - list of strings that name Carla-specific filters
e.g. ["filter_facing_ego"] for traffic signs
Return Type:
Dict - eg {CARLA_3D_OBSTACLES: obs_list_ros_msg_obj}
actors =
ts_list = TrafficSignListMsg()
ts_list.header.frame_id = 'odom'
ts_list.header.stamp =
traffic_actors = actors.filter("traffic.*")
if "filter_facing_ego" in filters:
# only send stop signs that are facing the ego to emulate real life
applicable_traffic_signs = filter_facing_ego(
ts_list.traffic_signs = from_carla_traffic_signs(applicable_traffic_signs)
obs_list = ObstacleListMsg()
obs_list.header.frame_id = 'odom'
obs_list.header.stamp =
obs_list.obstacles = actors_to_obstacles(actors, self.ego_vehicle)
return {
If you want to do manual control, you should go into the gui_tools
docker container, and then launch roslaunch carla_manual_control carla_manual_control.launch
. You need to press b
to enable manual override, and then use the wasd keys to control the car.
watod up carla_server
watod up carla_ros_bridge gui_tools # In a separate terminal
Some extra notes
- Rowan was telling me about the odom errors we were running into. You should first start the carla server, which runs on unreal engine. Then, you should launch the carla_ros_bridge, which is essentially the frontend.
- so you can start with
watod up carla_server
(the backend)- Then, do
watod up carla_ros_bridge
(the frontend) - And other instances
The error I was getting gui_tools_1 | [ERROR] [1668642643.334595325, 6.032078996]: Error getting latest time from frame 'base_link' to frame 'odom': Could not find a connection between 'odom' and 'base_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees. (Error code: 2),
is because the carla server was not launched yet, the the gui_tools is fetching this transform which is not provided.
The error you were getting from gui_tools
was due to a particular transform not being provided.
Installation in Docker
First pull the carla image by running
docker pull carlasim/carla:0.9.13