
Closely related to Gratitude

  • Gratitude is a measure of our perspective on the things we already have.
  • Contentment is a measure of our perspective on the things we don’t have

First introduced by this idea of contentment by Branden Lisk.

Then, I was watching a lot of Michelle Zhang videos and found her to be pretty inspiring.

You need to prioritize your contentment.

Happiness vs. Contentment


Happiness is an emotion, it’s short-term, it’s triggered by outside stimuli, it’s temporary. It can disappear very fast.

Contentment is the default feeling towards the overall quality of your life and the path you are on.

People are discontent because they are not happy about the trajectory of their life.

Food For Thought

You can be surrounded by friends, having a great job that pays super well, and still be discontent because you feel like your path is going nowhere.

Living your best life = only doing things in your life that make you more content

Dangerous Mistakes People Make

People prioritize these things over contentment:

  1. Money
  2. Prestige

What are you doing with those if they don’t contribute to your contentment. These are short term.

Does your path involve making a lot of money and gaining prestige?

Think about your bigger trajectory and path. Life Philosophy



Don’t be an Imbecile.