Disk Performance

Disk Scheduling

Many of the ideas for OS Scheduling transfer over to Disk Scheduling.

Why is Disk Scheduling even a topic of study/debate?

Because there can be a huge difference between sequential read access and random read access. For a single disk there will be a number of I/O requests If requests are selected randomly, will get poor performance.

That is why we buffer I/O (see O Buffering).

In the examples diagrams below, the requested tracks, in the order received by the disk scheduler, are 55, 58, 39, 18, 90, 160, 150, 38, 184.

Priority-based scheduling

  • Goal is not to optimize disk use but to meet other objectives
  • Example 1:
    • Short batch jobs may have higher priority
    • Provide good interactive response time
  • Example 2:
    • Earlier deadlines have higher priority
  • Can lead to counter measures by users
  • Can lead to starvation (principle of locality)

First-in, first-out (FIFO)

  • Process requests sequentially
  • Fair to all processes
  • Approaches random scheduling in performance if there are many processes

Last-in, first-out

  • Good for transaction processing systems
    • The device is given to the most recent user, so there should be little arm movement
  • Possibility of starvation since a job may never regain the head of the line

Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)

  • Select the disk I/O request that requires the least movement of the disk arm from its current position
  • Always choose the minimum seek time
  • Requires knowledge of track position
  • Starvation still possible

SCAN (elevator algorithm)

  • Arm moves in one direction only (increasing or decreasing track#), satisfying all outstanding requests until it reaches the last track in that direction, reverse the direction
  • Similar performance as SSTF
  • Biased against area most recently traversed
  • Deterministic

Limitations of SCAN

The SCAN policy is biased against the area most recently traversed. Thus, it does not exploit locality as well as SSTF.

C-SCAN (Circular SCAN)

  • Restricts scanning to one direction only
  • When the last track has been visited in one direction, the arm is returned to the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins again.
  • Deterministic, reduces delay for new requests


  • Segments the disk request queue into subqueues of length N
  • Subqueues are processed one at a time, using SCAN
  • New requests added to some other queue when queue is processed