
File Organization

Four ways introduced in SE350 to organize each file:

  1. Pile
  2. Sequential File
  3. Indexed Sequential File
  4. Indexed File


This is not about how to organize multiple files together, but rather how data is organized within a given file. How are groups of files managed? That is talked about in File Allocation.


  • Data are collected in the order they arrive
  • Purpose is to accumulate a mass of data and save it
  • Records may have different fields
  • No structure
  • Record access is by exhaustive search
  • Useful when data is only collected and stored prior to processing

Sequential File

  • Fixed format used for records
  • Records are the same length
  • All fields the same (order and length)
  • Field names and lengths are attributes of the file
  • One field is the key file
    • Uniquely identifies the record
    • Records are stored in key sequence
  • Search is inefficient (look through the whole file)
  • Updates are a pain, because physical organization matches the logical organization
    • Overflow pile, transaction log & periodic batch updates to the file that rearranges the file
    • Or: different physical layout from logical layout

Indexed Sequential File

  • Index provides a lookup capability to quickly reach the vicinity of the desired record
    • Contains key field and a pointer to the main file
    • Indexed is searched to find highest key value that is equal to or precedes the desired key value
    • Search continues in the main file at the location indicated by the pointer
  • New records are added to an overflow file
  • Record in main file that precedes it is updated to contain a pointer to the new record
  • Upon NULL pointer, continue in the main file
  • The overflow is merged with the main file during a batch update
  • Multiple levels of indexes for the same key field can be set up to increase efficiency

Indexed File

  • Uses multiple indexes for different key fields
  • May contain an exhaustive index that contains one entry for every record in the main file
  • May contain a partial index