
I am surprised I don’t have a note on Intuition yet.

Intuition is extremely powerful. It’s that gut feeling you have. Andrej Karpathy, when asked about intuition by Lex Fridman, says just that it comes with experience, a lot of thought.

Pieter Abbeel wants to help us build intuition by learning some key building blocks, just like learning derivative.

Andrej Karpathy helps us build intuition by writing the Neural Networks from scratch, and walking us through the code, as we all know, the Source of truth is in code.

Pieter Abbeel (L2 34:30) Different ways to look at things provide different intuitions, which is useful in different context.

I’m starting to think that Teaching people is helping them build intuition.

  • But how do you help people build intuition? Because different people build intuition in different ways (because we all have different backgrounds). And that’s why classrooms are a terrible way of doing it.
  • Yet, I would also disagree, because you use something like chatgpt and it offers generic answers (it doesn’t know about your background), yet it is extremely clear at explaining.
  • So intuition is something people build at an individual level.

How to get intuition?

I think this is very industry-specific.

  • For Competitive Programming Solve more problems
  • For understanding neural networks build one from scratch, play with the different parameters to see how things change

Losing Intuition

I feel that after a lot of rust in CP, my intuition is always wrong for how to approach a problem.