Logical Implication

Definition. A formula logically implies a formula if and only if for all Boolean valuations, if then .

which is pronounced “P entails Q” or “P logically implies Q”.

iff iff is a tautology. (where the meta-symbols are in black and the formulas are in red and substituting some formulas for P and Q)

So |= P means true |= P.

Valid Arguments

Definition. An argument is a valid argument if in all Boolean valuations where the premises have the value , the conclusion has the truth value .

  • are premises
  • is the conclusion

An argument is valid if and only if the conjunction of the premises logically imply the conclusion.

means formula is a tautology. We can also say is “valid” to mean is a Tautology.

To prove an valid argument, with:

Invalid Arguments

Definition. An argument is invalid if and only if there is at least one Boolean valuation in which the premises are , but the conclusion is .

To show that an argument is invalid, find a counterexample: a Boolean valuation where the premises are and the conclusion is .

  • Natural Deduction: Have the premises and conclude False, i.e

What about Logical Equivalence

See page 110 of the notes. (not to be confused), the above is stronger

Remember that |= is not ⇚⇛. The formula C can be “weaker” than the conjunction of the premises. “Weaker” means T in more Boolean valuations.

For example, The formula a ∨ b is T in some Boolean valuations where a ∧ b is not T.