Logical Implication
Definition. A formula logically implies a formula if and only if for all Boolean valuations, if then .
which is pronounced “P entails Q” or “P logically implies Q”.
iff iff is a tautology. (where the meta-symbols are in black and the formulas are in red and substituting some formulas for P and Q)
So |= P means true |= P.
Valid Arguments
Definition. An argument is a valid argument if in all Boolean valuations where the premises have the value , the conclusion has the truth value .
- are premises
- is the conclusion
An argument is valid if and only if the conjunction of the premises logically imply the conclusion.
means formula is a tautology. We can also say is “valid” to mean is a Tautology.
To prove an valid argument, with:
- Transformational Proof: Assume premises, and them together, and arrive to the conclusion, i.e.
- Natural Deduction: Just whatever the argument is
- Semantic Tableaux: Use the premises and the negation of the conclusion.
Invalid Arguments
Definition. An argument is invalid if and only if there is at least one Boolean valuation in which the premises are , but the conclusion is .
To show that an argument is invalid, find a counterexample: a Boolean valuation where the premises are and the conclusion is .
- Natural Deduction: Have the premises and conclude False, i.e
What about Logical Equivalence
See page 110 of the notes. (not to be confused), the above is stronger
Remember that |= is not ⇚⇛. The formula C can be “weaker” than the conjunction of the premises. “Weaker” means T in more Boolean valuations.
For example, The formula a ∨ b is T in some Boolean valuations where a ∧ b is not T.