Semantic Tableaux
Semantic tableaux is another way of showing an argument is valid. We actually use negations to have everything come to a contradiction.
= branching
= non-branching
- To show an argument is valid, we use a semantic tableau to show that P1,P2,…,PN,¬Q is an inconsistent set of formulas, i.e.
- premise
- premise
- negation of conclusion
- To prove that a set is Inconsistent Formula, just list out the premises and close everything
Prove that {b∧c,d,¬(c∧d)} is inconsistent
To prove that an argument is valid
<→ a290 | !(a290 | a450 & bsup) | a450 & bsup by dm
<→ a290 | a450 | bsup | !(a290 | a450 & bsup)
<→ true by lem
Recognize that the above formula is not a Tautology.