Markov Chain Monte-Carlo
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a technique for estimating by simulation the expectation of a statistic in a complex model.
Two good blog articles:
This is one of the most influential ideas of the 20th century. Goal: Sample from , or approximate
I found this 50 page explanation:
This is a good blog: We can use MCMC to approximate some some sort of unknown distribution, by modelling it as some sort of Random Walk on a Graph, where we can apply the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm?
How is this different from purely monte-carlo method?
Referenced from the original article for Reinforcement Learning: Referenced from the original article for Reinforcement Learning:
Mentioned also in the original GAN paper.
Flavors of MCMC
Replica-Exchange MCMC / Parallel Tempering
This “is a standard approach to maintaining a population of configurations” from FormulaZero.
Hit-and-Run Algorithm
Hit-and-run is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling technique that iteratively generates a sequence of points in a set by taking steps of random length in randomly generated directions. Hit-and-run can be applied to virtually any bounded region in {\Re^n} , and has nice convergence properties.Jan 23, 2016