Producer and Consumer Problem
This is one of the most common problems in Concurrency . We studied this in SE350 .
Also example from cs343
Problem setup:
One or more producers are generating data and placing these in a bufferer
A single consumer is taking items out of the buffer one at time
Only one producer or consumer may access the buffer at any one time
while ( true ) {
/* Produce item v */
b[in] = v;
in ++ ;
while ( true ) {
while (in < out) /* Do nothing */ ;
w = b[out];
out ++ ;
/* Consume item w */
: Decreases the semaphore’s value by 1 if it’s greater than zero, blocking otherwise until it becomes positive.
: Increases the semaphore’s value by 1, potentially unblocking a waiting process.
Ways to solve:
A solution using Binary Semaphore s:
/* program producerconsumer */
int n;
binary_semaphore s = 1 , delay = 0 ;
void producer () {
while ( true ) {
produce ();
semWaitB (s);
append ();
n ++ ;
if (n == 1 ) semSignalB (delay);
semSignalB (s);
void consumer () {
int m; /* a local variable */
semWaitB (delay);
while ( true ) {
semWaitB (s);
take ();
n -- ;
m = n;
semSignalB (s);
consume ();
if (m == 0 ) semWaitB (delay);
void main () {
n = 0 ;
parbegin (producer, consumer);
I’m confused why you need to check n == 1
or m == 0
Naa, binary semaphores are confusing
/* program producerconsumer */
semaphore n = 0 , s = 1 ;
void producer () {
while ( true ) {
produce ();
semWait (s);
append ();
semSignal (s);
semSignal (n);
void consumer () {
while ( true ) {
semWait (n);
semWait (s);
take ();
semSignal (s);
consume ();
void main () {
parbegin (producer, consumer);
Why are there 2 different semaphore signals?? ( n
and s
is to ensure Mutual Exclusion and makes sense to me (initially 1)
is the ensure synchronization, specifically the number of items available (initially 0)
Consider the scenario where the consumer runs faster than the producer. If you don’t have the n
semaphore, then you might end up with the consumer consuming more than what the queue actually has.
Bounded Buffer
/* program boundedbuffer */
const int sizeofbuffer = /* buffer size */ ;
semaphore s = 1 , n = 0 , e = sizeofbuffer;
void producer () {
while ( true ) {
produce ();
semWait (e);
semWait (s);
append ();
semSignal (s);
semSignal (n);
void consumer () {
while ( true ) {
semWait (n);
semWait (s);
take ();
semSignal (s);
semSignal (e);
consume ();
void main () {
parbegin (producer, consumer);
How to solve? Use the condition_variable .
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
_Coroutine Cons; // Pre-declaration.
// Basic structure of the producer full coroutine.
_Coroutine Prod {
Cons * c; // Address of partner coroutine.
int N; // Number of items to produce.
int money; // Payment received.
int receipt; // Number of returned receipt.
void main (); // Main body of the coroutine.
int payment ( int money); // Transfers payment in and returns receipt.
void start ( int N, Cons * c); // Initializes the coroutine.
}; // Prod
// Basic structure of the consumer full coroutine.
_Coroutine Cons {
Prod & p; // Address of partner coroutine.
int p1, p2; // Items to be consumed.
int status; // Marks a successful delivery.
int done; // Termination flag.
void main (); // Main body of the coroutine.
Cons (Prod & p) : p (p), done ( 0 ) {} // Constructor.
int delivery ( int p1, int p2); // Delivers the two items to be consumed.
void stop (); // Used to terminate the coroutine.
}; // Cons
void Prod :: main () {
int i; // Loop counter.
int p1, p2; // Items produced by random # generator.
int status; // Status of delivery.
// 1st resume starts here.
for (i = 1 ; i <= N; i += 1 ) {
p1 = random () % 100 ; // Generate p1 and p2.
p2 = random () % 100 ;
cout << "delivers:" << p1 << ", " << p2 << endl;
status = c-> delivery (p1, p2);
cout << " gets status:" << status << endl;
receipt += 1 ;
} // for
cout << "Prod stops" << endl;
c-> stop ();
} // Prod::main
int Prod :: payment ( int money ) {
Prod ::money = money;
cout << " gets payment $" << money << endl;
resume (); // Restart prod in Cons::delivery
return receipt;
} // Prod::payment
void Prod :: start ( int N , Cons * c ) {
Prod ::N = N;
Prod ::c = c;
receipt = 0 ;
resume (); // Restart Prod::main().
} // Prod::start
void Cons :: main () {
int money = 1 ; // Amount to pay for the delivery.
int receipt; // Receipt received for payment.
status = 0 ;
// 1st resume starts here.
for (;;) {
if (done) break ;
cout << "receives:" << p1 << ", " << p2 << " and pays $" << money << endl;
status += 1 ;
receipt = p. payment (money);
cout << "gets receipt #" << receipt << endl;
money += 1 ;
} // for
cout << "Cons stops" << endl;
} // Cons::main
int Cons :: delivery ( int p1 , int p2 ) {
Cons ::p1 = p1;
Cons ::p2 = p2;
resume (); // Restart cons in Cons::main first time
return status; // and cons in Prod::payment afterwards.
} // Cons::delivery
void Cons :: stop () {
done = 1 ;
resume (); // Restart main.
} // Cons::stop
// Main body of the program starts up the coroutines and waits for them to terminate.
int main () {
Prod prod;
Cons cons (prod);
prod. start ( 5 , & cons);
} // main