Queue (FIFO)
In a queue, the element deleted is always the one that has been in the set for the longest time. The queue implements a first-in, first-out (FIFO) policy.
Basic Operations → each operation is time using a Linked List
- adds an element to the end of the queueleave
- removes the element at the beginning of the queue:first
- gets the first elementisEmpty
- checks if queue is empty
Implement it using a Linked List, that points to both head and tail.
- Add new values to tail
- Remove values from head
- Get value from head
You can do it with a Dynamic Array, but it is not very efficient, since you need shift all the elements indices by 1 every time you call leave
Both Python and C++ implement it using a Deque.
Language Specific
C++ (uses a Deque)
printing a queue
Stack vs. Queue (memory trick)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wM6_PuBIxY&ab_channel=CS50 This video above helped me remember the difference between a stack and a queue.